Compost Training Workshops
JANUARY 14, 2025: Kick off the new year learning about composting, worm farming, mushroom production, and organic farming.
Fertile Earth Worm Farm and Lion Farms are proud hosts for the Florida Composting Council's workshop.
Past Events....

July Festivities!!!
It's Lanette's Birthday... And also her incredible company Fertile Earth Worm Farm is turning Sweet 16! (They grow up so fast)
We're providing all the waffle batter your little heart could desire (organic and gluten free, of course). You bring your favorite sweet and savory toppings and trimmings. (Sample ideas: cheeses, peanut butter, nutella, bananas, marmelade, syrup, mangos, blueberries, prosciutto, meatloaf, jalapeños, chocolates).
So join our bonfire and bring your instruments! Write "RSVP" in the form below.
BYOBooze BYOMusicalinstruments
Saturday, July 13, 2024
7-10PM @Fertile Earth Worm Farm, 15150 SW 264 St Homestead FL 33032
Past Events

"Closing the Loop"
MONDAY APRIL 1, 2024 (1:00 PM)
Let’s face it. No matter how good we are at reducing waste, there will always be a little something something left, whether it’s a banana peel or spent coffee grounds. So how can we turn all this into a resource?
Join us for an informative discussion on what food waste generators can do to sustainably process their waste via on- and off-site composting, biodigesters, anaerobic digesters, and the like.
Remember: "Waste isn’t waste until we waste it!"
• Dr. Lanette Sobel, DPM. Founder and CEO of Fertile Earth Worm Farm, Miami, FL • Ryan Cooper, Rubicon Global, VP of Circular Economy Solutions,
Atlanta, GA

Composting 101
FRIDAY APRIL 5, 2024 (1:00 PM)
Learn the basics of composting and everything you’ll need to get started, including three methods you can set in motion yourself. Whether you have a lot of land, a small yard, or just a little bit of room under your kitchen sink.
“Getting started couldn’t be easier or more rewarding," says presenter Dr. Lanette Sobel, DPM, (Founder and CEO of Fertile Earth Worm Farm, Miami, FL), whose company has already diverted over 30 million pounds of organic waste away from the landfills. “You can start making a difference today."